
We were featured!!

This blog has been featured on a few of the amazing blogs in space out there... it's so fun to see and share... (and it makes me feel kind of cool too..tehe)

Check out this lady... Sachiko

Since I've been sewing lately, I've found some blogs that have awesome tutorials, and Sachiko's blog is on my favorites. In fact, I have 2 tank tops from Forever 21 sitting in the project box right now, can't wait to get my hands on them to create a project similar to one of hers. She happens to like me too... well my blog at least. We were chosen out of 99 others from a "virtual party" of DIY projects. She likes my skirts and aprons I made for myself and my girls. Did I mention that Grandma got an apron too? We mailed it to St. Lucia where she is serving a mission. I kept wondering if she would be excited about an apron while on a mission... well, she was tickled pink.. yeah! I love giving gifts that mean something. Anyway, thanks Sachiko for checking out my site!

And you must meet.... Michelle

Michelle is the most amazing professional party planner... so amazing that she is getting recognized nationally for many of her party ideas and her blog. I got hooked up with her a few months ago, and she hired me to shoot a Sweet 16 party (MTV style, body guards, professional entertainment, the works). We've had a blast pulling off her vision, and the party was a raving success!!! Michelle, I must confess that I am borrowing your mad skills and using one of your ideas for a baby shower I'm hosting this week... your da bomb!! Here is just a few of my images from that party! And the poster of the guy behind the candy bar... I took that too... he's crazy funny!!

And I am DYING to share with you what one of my clients did for her hubby for Father's day, but I am late getting pics back to my good friends who have been patiently waiting to see their pics... so I must prioritize!!

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