So here is one of my great friends and her cute family! We have alot in common, including our names. Amy came with a list of images she wanted, which I quickly tore up and threw away... just kidding. I actually love it when people have ideas when they come to their session. Mary Kay Ash always said; "If you have an idea, and I have an idea and we keep them to ourselves, then we each only have one idea. But if we put our ideas together then we each have two ideas." Pretty elementary, I know, but it's how I was raised in business! I always find that those two ideas make a third or a fourth idea too.
Amy did something totally fun, she had her kids pick something they wanted in one of their photograhs... a favorite. Great idea! So, we really captured their stage and age. She's the type of mom that cherishes every little thing her kids do. Love her... love them...

I was so glad to catch the above shot as they were walking away from where we were shooting the girls. The way these 2 guys adore each other is something so sweet.

I printed the above picture HUGE in my office as a gallery wrap sample - you've got to stop by and see it.. it's Amy-zing (haha)

I guess Amy brought along her hubby as her favorite! Smart girl!

And this is Smooshy, at least that's what we call her...
Man! What an amazingly family! You did such a great job with their pictures. I hadn't seen them all. I love the one of Dan and Amy looking at each other! And the top one too. Cute!
These locations are awesome! Do Share!
Amazing as always!
One of my favorite things about your blog (aside from all that cool-photography stuff) is seeing old friends as there families grow. You do such a great job capturing their essences.
Thanks all! Kate, I think that one of Dan and Amy needs to be a big canvas too. It's so art-sy, btw, loved your wedding mouth dropped at the first one! haha
Tami - share my locations? Only for homemade sugar cookies WITH frosting!
Diane - great to hear from you too!! hope your enjoying the newlywed stage!
They are so cute and she is like the nicest lady! Beautiful photos as usual Amy.
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